


Social Issues

  • Finding Jesus At The Border


    Immigration is an issue of major concern within the Christian community. As Christians, how should we respond to the current crisis?

    Interweaving biblical narratives of border-crossing and recent stories of immigrants at the US-Mexico border, this accessibly written book invites Christians to reconsider the plight of their neighbors and respond with compassion to the present immigration crisis. Julia Lambert Fogg, a pastor and New Testament scholar who is actively serving immigrant families in Southern California, interprets well-known biblical stories in a fresh way and puts a human face on the immigration debate.

    Fogg argues that Christians must step out of their comfort zones and learn to cross social, ethnic, and religious borders–just as Jesus did–to become the body of Christ in the world. She encourages readers to welcome Christ by embracing DREAMers, the undocumented, asylum seekers, and immigrants, and she inspires Christians to advocate for immigrant justice in their communities.

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  • Understanding Sexual Abuse


    A team of professionals address the issue of sexual abuse, providing insight and help.

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  • Scoot Over And Make Some Room


    Author and Instagram star Heather Avis has made it her mission to introduce the world to the unique gifts and real-life challenges of those who have been pushed to the edges of society. Mama to three adopted kids – two with Down Syndrome – Heather encourages us all to take a breath, whisper a prayer, laugh a little, and make room for the wildflowers.In a world of divisions and margins, those who act, look, and grow a little differently are all too often shoved aside. Scoot Over and Make Some Room is part inspiring narrative and part encouraging challenge for us all to listen and learn from those we’re prone to ignore.Heather tells hilarious stories of her growing kids, spontaneous dance parties, forgotten pants, and navigating the challenges and joys of parenthood. She shares heartbreaking moments when her kids were denied a place at the table and when she had to fight for their voices to be heard. With beautiful wisdom and profound convictions, this manifesto will empower you to notice who’s missing in the spaces you live in, to make room for your own kids and for those others who need you and your open heart.This is your invitation to a table where space is unlimited and every voice can be heard. Because when you open your life to the wild beauty of every unique individual, you’ll discover your own colorful soul and the extraordinary, abundant heart of God.

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  • God Our Anchor

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $0.95.

    Do you have friend, family member, or loved one in the throes of addiction? Do you feel tossed by the storm of their struggle, wondering how to stay anchored in truth and hope as you walk beside them?

    Deborah Bailey has been there. Having lost her precious daughter to the darkness of addiction, she knows what it’s like to run to God in prayer and Scripture, asking the hard questions and dealing with great loss head-on. In God Our Anchor: Held Fast Through A Loved One’s Addiction, Deborah has crafted thirty devotionals for those who face a similar journey. Each thoughtful entry helps the reader navigate the storm of a loved one’s addiction and hold fast to our great anchor, the Lord.

    Whether you have lost loved ones to addiction, or still walk beside them even now in their struggle, Deborah’s devotionals are a safe harbor for you to meet the Lord, letting Him hold you fast in some of the roughest waters a person can brave.

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  • Church And Foster Care


    With roughly 500,000 children and growing in America’s foster care system, the new mission field for the church is clear. The Church & Foster Care shows how to simply engage in life-giving ministry to an underserved community. From real-life situations, foster care parent, educator, and advocate Dr. John DeGarmo lays out why God is calling the church to become involved. Sharing from the decades of support he received from his local church, this book is filled with practical and manageable suggestions on how to meet practical needs while planting seeds of faith.

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  • Phone Call With A Fish


    A story for anyone who has felt like a fish out of water

    There’s a boy in class who doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t yell when a student steps on his foot, and he writes his answers to the teacher’s questions on the board. One of his classmates is trying to understand why he’s so quiet, but she can’t figure it out. But then one day the class goes to the science museum, and she discovers a phone with an aquarium full of fish on the other end of the line. And the fish, as it turns out, aren’t silent after all–they just have their own way of communicating.

    This empathy-building story will encourage readers to approach others with compassion and understanding.

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  • Love Without Limits


    SKU (ISBN): 9781506446882Jacqueline BussieBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2018Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media

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  • Same Dress Different Day


    Owl Of Hope
    People affected by a loved one’s addiction suffer silently in church pews. I was one of them. I’m Juliet. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else, with another name altogether, someone whose life is more comedy than tragedy. During the twelve years I was married to a cocaine-addicted Christian, I was overwhelmed with isolation and shame as I sat next to my ex-husband in church week after week. No one fathomed our family skeletons. How could I tell anyone? God stirred my spirit to seek personal healing and give voice to my reality. Through Him, I found freedom from silence and redemption for the life dreams I thought were forever lost. Same Dress, Different Day: A Spiritual Memoir of Addiction and Redemption chronicles my journey from victim to victor as I struggled to break free from codependency’s suffocating cycle. I learned to see my Savior as the soul mate and provider my chemically dependent spouse could never be. God’s healing grace is not only for the addicted, but also for the broken ones who love them.

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  • Call To Action (Audio CD)


    In the highly acclaimed bestselling A Call to Action, President Jimmy Carter addresses the world’s most serious, pervasive, and ignored violation of basic human rights: the ongoing discrimination and violence against women and girls.

    President Carter was encouraged to write this book by a wide coalition of leaders of all faiths. His urgent report covers a system of discrimination that extends to every nation. Women are deprived of equal opportunity in wealthier nations and “owned” by men in others, forced to suffer servitude, child marriage, and genital cutting. The most vulnerable and their children are trapped in war and violence.

    A Call to Action addresses the suffering inflicted upon women by a false interpretation of carefully selected religious texts and a growing tolerance of violence and warfare. Key verses are often omitted or quoted out of context by male religious leaders to exalt the status of men and exclude women. And in nations that accept or even glorify violence, this perceived inequality becomes the basis for abuse.

    Carter draws upon his own experiences and the testimony of courageous women from all regions and all major religions to demonstrate that women around the world, more than half of all human beings, are being denied equal rights. This is an informed and passionate charge about a devastating effect on economic prosperity and unconscionable human suffering. It affects us all.

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  • Wishes And Worries


    SKU (ISBN): 9781770492387Center For Addiction And Mental Health | Illustrator: Lars RudebjerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2011Coping # 2Publisher: Random House Inc.

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  • Compassion Revolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736927970Dave DonaldsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2010Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Grounds For Belief


    Times change. It’s not your daddy’s world anymore. Today we live in a decentralized, media-dominated, postmodern world. The Internet enables the exchange of ideas and information unimagined by previous generations. Facts and opinions bombard us via e-mail, cell phones, I-pods, and satellite TV. We’re more connected electronically than ever before, but more of us feel isolated and lacking in close friends.

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  • To Own A Dragon


    SKU (ISBN): 9781576837313Donald Miller | John MacMurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2006Publisher: NavPress

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  • Temperance


    Through the years, Ellen G. White urged everyone, both young and old, to practice temperance and to promote it vigorously. Although society has changed markedly since Mrs. White lived and wrote, the principles she stressed regarding temperance remain remarkably relevant to contemporary life. The selections appearing in this book have been drawn from the whole range of her writings on the topic, including sources long out of print.

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  • Messages To Young People


    A Practical Guide for Teens

    Several generations of youth have been nourished by this uncompromising call to duty, purity, and service. The author, who began her ministry when only 17 years of age, invites Seventh-day Adventist youth to examine their reading, dress, music, and social life, and discard cheap amusements that retard spiritual progress. She examines those fundamental traits of character that make for success or failure in the spiritual life, and discusses practical subjects such as home and parents, health, courtship and marriage, and how to recognize true love.

    This bracing challenge to honor God with a self-controlled life will inspire many to join the army of dedicated youth who “climb the shining way,” who aim to “stand upon the summit of intellectual greatness” and serve their God by dreaming dreams.

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