



  • Desmond Doss Conscientious Objector


    Infantry men who once ridiculed and scoffed at Desmond’s simple faith and refusal to carry a weapon owed their lives to him. In the midst of a fierce firefight on Okinawa that felled approximately 75 men from the 1st Battalion, Private Doss refused to seek cover and carried his stricken comrades to safety one by one. This and other heroic acts earned him the highest honor America can bestow on one of her sons-the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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  • Theyre All Dead Arent They


    The bestseller by Joy Swift is back in print Only a teenager when her children were taken from her in the cruelest ways imaginable, Joy Swift riveted a nation with her gut-wrenching story of love, loss, and renewed hope. That story became the bestselling book, “They’re All Dead, Aren’t They?” Since its publication in 1986, this grieving mother’s journey toward hope has inspired countless thousands around the world.

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  • W W Prescott


    He started out as a journalist but was soon editing a successful newspaper. The call to shepherd Battle Creek College involved a major pay cut. But over time he reshaped the church’s educational system and politics.

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  • Battered To Blessed


    Known to thousands of 3ABN viewers as “Miss Brenda,” the singing, cooking, and smiling children’s program host remembers a time when smiling wasn’t easy.

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  • Southern Work


    In answer to Ellen White’s historic 1891 testimony her son James Edson White began evangelistic and educational work among Southern Blacks, using a missionary boat that plied the Mississippi River. Ellen White produced an ongoing series of testimonies on this subject, which Edson gathered up and published in 1898 and 1901. This reprint of that work, with the inclusion of additional material, reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and one in the Spirit.

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  • Joseph Bates : Founder Of Seventh Day Adventism


    In this biography Knight strips away the veneer of history to reveal new textures in the life of this most colorful pioneer.

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  • S N Haskell


    Table Of Contents:

    Why Elder Haskell?
    Preaching And Peddling
    Layman Leader
    The “Child Of His Hope”
    That New England School
    Across The Waters And Back
    Pioneering In Australia
    In New Zealand
    Again In Europe
    Scouting For Missions
    An Adventurous Journey
    Calcutta And Beyond
    Alone, Yet Not Alone
    With The Pioeners In Africa
    Teaching At Avondale
    The Sure Foundation
    Meeting The Holy Flesh Fanaticism
    The New York City Mission
    The Crisis In New York
    Traveling Teacher
    At Loma Linda
    Leading California
    The Temperance Campaign
    Workers Together With God
    Finishing The Course

    Additional Info
    Among the most colorful of the early Seventh-day Adventist church workers was Stephen Nelson Haskell. A self-made man, fearless, and endowed with ingenuity, courage, and vision, Haskell led in a number of enterprises that were accepted and established by the denomination. He was the first to make an around-the-world trip in the interest of Adventist missions, taking almost two years. He was a leader in city mission work, and we think of him as the father of the tract and missionary societies from which developed the Book and Bible Houses and two departments of the church–Publishing and Home Missionary.

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  • Race To Victory Lane


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828017756Crystal EarnhardtBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2003Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • James White : Innovator And Overcomer


    Gerald Wheeler provides a fascinating look at James White, the man from Maine who organized a denomination, served as its leader, and founded four journals, two publishing houses, and one university.

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  • Mission Pilot : High Adventure In Dangerous And Heavenly Places


    Who knew flying and living for Jesus could be such a rush!

    The adventures of David Gates–aviator, nurse, computer specialist, and missionary– prove that there’s no more exciting place on earth than in the will of God. Whether hijacked and imprisoned in a Mexican jail, touching down his airplane on remote jungle airstrips, escaping ambush and certain death in Peruvian alleyways, flying critically-ill malaria patients out of the Guyana jungle, or contending with venomous snakes, David and his wife Becky experience miracle after miracle in this modern-day story of mission service.

    Eileen Lantry’s exciting work allows readers to participate in David’s high calling. An adrenaline-pumping, honest and sometimes humorous book about a man passionate to follow his Lord wherever he leads, Mission Pilot will take you to dangerous and heavenly places where God still needs willing servants with a thirst for adventure.

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  • Kellogg Imperative


    SKU (ISBN): 9781899505906Richard WillisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • God Is Crazy About You


    See firsthand how God changes lives.

    Cherie Peter’s growing-up years weren’t very pretty. Abused and unloved as a child, she was thrown onto the streets at age 13 to fend for herself. For the next ten years, her life played out as a dreary nightmare of drugs, violence, and barroom dancing. Then came her miracle. God rescued her, showing her that she was loved, unconditionally.

    In the years that followed, Cherie had a special burden for other “throw away” people. Her experience and tender heart led her to reach out to others through a program she founded, called True Step Ministries. Meet Cherie’s new friends, and see how God changed their lives.

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  • Life Sketches


    Get a more personal glimpse into the life of God’s messenger in Life Sketches of Ellen White. In these pages Ellen White recounts, in her own words, a brief account of her childhood days, and her early Christian experience in connection with the great second advent movement of 1840 to 1844. She vividly recalls the sorrows and joys of youthful ministry in the years following the Great Disappointment. She pictures the struggles and successes that attended the efforts of the small band of earnest souls who built up the work that would eventually become the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She goes on to tell of the extended labors of herself and her husband from their marriage until his death in 1881.

    The attractive new binding will appeal to a new generation of readers.

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  • Grandma Ellen And Me


    Imagine having a grandma who lived in a big, beautiful house in the country, wrote books for God, talked with angels, and–most of all–loved children! Mabel had a great grandma just like this, and her name was Ellen White.

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  • 1000 Shall Fall


    The electrifying story of an Adventist family who dared to practice their faith in Hitler’s Germany.

    They saw God work miracle after miracle to save them from certain disaster. As thousands around them fell victim to the horrors of war, they were borne up on angels’ wings-sometimes quite literally. This is the true story of one family who chose to be faithful whatever the cost, and found refuge in the shadow of the Almighty.

    From the Back Cover . . .

    The lieutenant’s face turned beet-red. “You must be mad, private!” he bellowed. “This is the German Army! This battalion’s going to war, and you want Saturday off?” Under his breath he spat out, “It’s just my luck to be saddled with a religious nut!”

    Franz Hasel, a 40-year-old pacifist, was drafted and assigned to Pioneer Company 699, Hitler’s elite troops who built bridges at the front lines. His religious scruples did not endear him to his superiors. Sarcastically dubbed “carrot eater” and “Bible reader, ” he finally gained the respect of his unit.

    Just before he was sent deep into Russia-where all but seven of his 1,200-man unit would die- he secretly discarded his gun, fearing that, as the company sharpshooter, he might be tempted to kill. In Russia he faced a new problem: how to warn the local Jews before the SS got to them.

    Meanwhile, back at home, Franz’s wife, Helene, and their four children were fighting their own battles. Pressured to join the Nazi Party, she announced, “I belong to the party of Jesus Christ.”

    “Tomorrow night your children will be taken from you unless you join the party,” Herr Doering screamed. And she had another secret. One day the Gestapo knocked on her door. “Are you hiding a Jew” they demanded. Their chances of survival? Dim. Their only ally? God.

    In a few short years they lived several lifetimes of danger. As thousands around them fell victim to the horrors of war, they were borne up on angels’ wings-sometimes quite literally. This is the true, soul-soaring story of one desperate family who chose to be faithful whatever the cost, and found refuge in the shadow of the Almighty.

    The youngest daughter of Franz Hasel, Susi Hasel Mundy has taught German and behavioral science, and spent 10 years in private practice as a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist. Currently she is the registrar at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California.

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  • Ellen White : Woman Of Vision


    Ellen G. White (1827-1915) is a widely translated American author–her works have been published in more than 140 languages. Though her formal education ended at the age of 9, her literary productions totaled approximately 100,000 pages on such topics as health, education, family, Bible history, and practical Christian living. Today millions look to her writings for guidance and motivation.
    During her lifetime she experienced more than 2,000 dreams and visions. These provided a rich source of divine wisdom from which she drew for her extensive writings. As God’s servant she wrote letters of encouragement, counsel, and reproof to church members and leaders around the world, in many cases dealing with secret, personal matters.

    An accident in her youth resulted in years of frail health, yet in addition to her writing she managed to run a home that often resembled a hotel while raising three sons and coping with the emotional difficulties of her husband after he suffered a series of strokes. In her later years she helped lead the Seventh-day Adventist Church into a deeper understanding of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. Her lifelong message was that Christ is coming soon and that we must be ready to meet Him. The last sentence she ever uttered before the church’s world assembly, as she raised a Bible above the pulpit, was, ”Brethren and sisters, I commend unto you this Book.”

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  • Ellen Whites World



    Part One: Ellen White’s World Before The Civil War
    1. Millennial Visions
    a. Religious Millennialism
    b. Secular Millennialism
    2. The Great Revival
    a. The Second Great Awakening
    b. The Camp Meeting
    c. The Revival And Mission
    3. The Era Of Reform
    a. The Voluntary Society
    b. Health Reform
    c. The Early Temperance Movement
    d. Educational Reform
    e. The Movement To Free The Slaves
    f. The Role Of Women
    4. Religious Impulses
    a. The Rise Of The “Democratic” Churches
    b. Restorationism And Back To The Bible
    c. The Drive Toward Perfection
    d. Protecting The “Sabbath”
    e. The Rise Of Mormonism
    f. The Rise Of Modern Spiritualism
    g. Nativism And Anti-Catholicism
    5. Technological Advances
    a. The Publishing Revolution
    b. Progress In Transportation

    Part Two: Ellen White’s World After The Civil War
    6. A Changing World
    a. Social Changes
    b. Intellectual Changes
    7. Millennial Visions
    a. Premillennial Perspectives
    b. Postmillennial Perspectives
    c. National Millennial Perspectives
    8. Religious Impulses
    a. Revivalism And The Role Of D. L. Moody
    b. The Rise Of Protestant Liberalism
    c. The Conservative Reaction
    d. The Holiness Revival
    e. The Second Wave Of Protestant Missions
    f. Northern Missions To Black America
    9. Social Issues
    a. The Temperance Movement
    b. Health Concerns
    c. Educational Development
    d. Racial Issues
    e. Women’s Rights
    f. Capital And Labor
    g. Sabbath Reform
    h. The Progressive Movement
    10. The New Leisure
    a. Sports And Recreation
    b. Entertainment

    Ellen White And Her World
    Ellen White And Our World

    Additional Info
    From the Back Cover:

    Ellen White’s writings are important, but they are only part of the story. The other part is the social and intellectual context in which she wrote. What was her world like? What problems did it face? What ideas were in vogue? What religious movements did she interact with? How did her ideas relate to the sentiments of other reformers of her day?

    These and other questions stand at the heart of George R. Knight’s third volume in his series on Ellen White. The genius of Ellen White’s World is that it combines photographs with verbal descriptions to make Ellen White’s world come alive for the modern reader.

    The first section of this helpful volume concisely presents the world of Ellen White prior to the American Civil War, while the second section examines her world after that climactic event. An understanding of those two very distinct contexts is essential for the fullest understanding of Ellen White’s counsel to the church

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  • Reading Ellen White


    Ellen White wrote in the late 1860s to a church member that “eggs should not be placed on your table. They are an injury to your children” (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 400). Then in 1901 she told another member to “get eggs of healthy fowls. Use these eggs cooked or raw. Drop them uncooked into the best unfermented wine you can find” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 204).

    How do you reconcile such seemingly opposite statements from the same inspired author? Which one was inspired? Or were both? How do we interpret them-and everything else that Ellen White wrote?

    George R. Knight sets forth in a clear, simple manner the principles that will help every reader to interpret and apply her counsel to his or her life.

    In the first section of Reading Ellen White Knight looks at the purpose of her writings, their relationship to the Bible, the role of compilations, and how to read her work systematically. The second and longest section examines fundamental principles of interpretation, and the final section explores how to apply Ellen White’s counsel to both our lives and the lives of others. Reading Ellen White is a companion to his Meeting Ellen White. Size: 5 3/16″ x 8″.

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  • Meeting Ellen White


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828010894George KnightBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2000Ellen WhitePublisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Ellen The Girl With Two Angels


    Mabel R. Miller

    “Ellen White’s great-granddaughter shares her family stories of Ellen when she was growing up. This Early Reader book (7-9 year old) inspires children with stories about how God helped Ellen and spoke to her as she grew up and became His prophet.

    Ellen grew up like any other child in the 1800’s. With her twin sister, Elizabeth, she brought the cows home for milking, fed the family dogs, learned to read, and loved to play.

    When she was still young, Jesus began to speak to Ellen in dreams and visions. “Ellen, tell people what I have shown you. Tell them I am coming soon.”

    But Ellen was worried. “Jesus, I’m afraid. I can’t speak to people.”

    “Ellen,” Jesus promised, ” your angel will always be with you. And I will send an extra angel anytime you are in danger.”

    So Ellen, the girl with two angels, became a messenger for God.”

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