Denominational Concerns

  • Live It (DVD)


    From the place where people live the longest in the nation, comes a health series unveiling the secrets of living a long and healthy life. Through an easy-to-understand format with animations highlighting Loma Linda University Health research, this online health show inspires viewers to LIVE IT. Each 2-3 minute online video health series features simple tips to live healthier, longer.

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  • Tell The World (DVD)


    The correct equations, but the wrong interpretation. The result was sadness, pain and discouragement. That’s how the story of the Seventh-day Adventist Church begins.

    Based on true events, Tell the World tells the compelling story of a small group of farmers from the northeast of the United States. They set the foundation of an organization that has been at the forefront of issues such as health, education, communication and Biblical interpretation.

    The film begins with a startling discovery made by farmer and former militia member William Miller, played by Bill Lake. After years of study, Miller concludes that Jesus will return in 1843. His sermons along with the Biblical and historical evidence were so convincing that thousands of people sold everything, confessed their sins and waited for the event with high expectations. Eventually they settled for a specific date: October 22nd, 1844.

    But the day came, and Jesus did not return. In addition to Miller and his wife Lucy, played by Kate Hurman, few people remained faithful to God, among them Ellen Harmon (Tommie Amber-Pirie), James White (Stephen MacDonald) and Joseph Bates (Timothy Paul Coderre).

    Produced by the Seventh-day Adventist church in Australia, the series presents vivid details of the pain and joy experience by writer Ellen G. White, considered one of the 100 most influential people in American history by the Smithsonian Institute.

    Her guidance and advice, obtained through Bible studies, as well as dreams and visions revealed by God, guided the steps of this church in becoming a worldwide movement of compassion in the areas of health, education, community development and disaster relief.

    The denomination is present in over 200 countries with approximately 19 million members. It manages thousands of educational and health institutions, food factories, a global humanitarian agency, and it opens a new church every 3 minutes.

    Written by H. G. Sloan and Aaron Harzler and directed by Kyle Portbury, with the aid of Allan Lindsay, George Knight and James Nix as consultants, this is the biggest production ever made about the history of Adventism. It shows the harsh beginnings of the church. Uncertainty, doubt, death and poverty were challenges that the pioneers had to overcome.

    When watching Tell The World, it’s likely that you will relate to your own experience, and may find that both the disappointment and the success of this movement were the key to their physical, mental and

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  • Glimpses Into The Life Of Ellen White 2 Disc DVD (DVD)


    “Brothers and sisters, I commend unto you this book.”

    Those words, spoken in 1909, were part of the closing remarks given by Ellen White at the last General Conference session she attended. Sixty five years earlier she’d accepted the call to be the Lord’s messenger. She was seventeen years old. She made it her lifelong ministry to uplift Scripture and to point people to Jesus.

    Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with stories that provide a fascinating look behind-the-scenes at the life and times of Ellen White. Some of the stories will make you smile; others will move you to tears; but all of them show that Ellen White was a very real person who chose to dedicate her life in service to the One she called, “My Father.”

    We sometimes forget that our pioneers were all real people—God started our church using real people. Come to think about it, real people are all He still has to finish the work that needs to be complete before Jesus returns.

    James R. Nix is a consummate storyteller who is at his finest when sharing stories of early Adventist believers and Mrs. White in particular. Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with fascinating accounts that give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of Ellen White and provide a glimpse of the unseen world.

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  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 3 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 3:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Compassion (Thomas)

    2. Extra-Ordinary Worth (James, Judas, Simon)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Perseverance (Judas Iscariot)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Encounter (Paul)

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  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 2 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 2:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Master (Andrew)

    2. Extra-Ordinary Insight (Nathanael)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Acceptance (Levi Matthew)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Calling (Philip)

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  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 1 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 1:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Choice

    2. Extra-Ordinary Forgiveness (Peter)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Love (John)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Revelation (James)

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  • 8 Secrets To Ancient Health DVD (DVD)


    Avoid the health mistakes of the Egyptians. Eat like the Gladiators and earth’s longest living people for optimal fitness – mentally and physically. Come with us on a journey through ancient history down to today. From 3,500 years ago in Egypt to the gladiators of Ephesus we discover health principles that can impact our modern lives.

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  • 7 Deadly Relationship Sins DVD (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 751354449525 Jennifer Schwirzer Binding: Video DVD Published: January 2015 Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • 7 Deadly Psychological Sins DVD (DVD)


    This DVD will help the viewer discover seven personal negative thinking patterns – worry, avoidance, criticism, complaining, self-pity, emotionalism, bitterness – that influence one’s emotional health. Learn how to “fix” them with simple replacement behaviors. The goal? A healthier, happier you. This DVD is set up in chapters and would be suitable for small groups with follow-up discussions. Also includes 1 hour of bonus material.

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  • Yes I Remember Ellen White (DVD)


    The DVD includes conversations between two of Ellen White’s grandchildren, Arthur White and Grace Jacques. The two share stories while walking together at Elmshaven, Mrs. White’s last home. And who wouldn’t be captivated by the recollections of H.M.S. Richards Sr., filmed in his study as he talks in that easy, conversational manner that marked him as one of the most prominent radio evangelists in America? And don’t forget the memories of Ernest Lloyd, the longtime editor of Our Little Friend.

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  • Jesus 101 Revelation The 5th Gospel DVD 2 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330045428Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2014Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Jesus 101 Revelation The 5th Gospel DVD 1 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330045411Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2014Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 3 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044155Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 2 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044148Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 1 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044131Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Forks Over Knives The Extended Interviews (DVD)


    Following up on one of the most influential documentaries of all time, Forks Over Knives, comes Forks Over Knives The Extended Interviews. This video includes never-before-seen footage from the film’s expert interviews, covering several themes in greater depth and addressing important issues that weren’t touched on in the movie.

    Forks Over Knives The Extended Interviews covers more than 80 topics, including: – How much protein do we need? – Animal vs. plant nutrients in cancer promotion – Why are some vegetarian and vegans unhealthy? – Is a healthy vegan diet easy to follow? – Why portion control doesn t work – Oil, fish, supplements, and more!

    Featuring leading experts T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., M.D., Neal Barnard, M.D., John McDougall, M.D., Pam Popper, N.D., Doug Lisle, Ph.D., and Terry Mason, M.D., Forks Over Knives The Extended Interviews is must-see viewing for anyone interested in the powerful relationship between food and health!

    Includes Closed Captioning and Spanish Subtitles.

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  • 25th Anniversary Music Special (DVD)


    Celebrate the doctrinal pillars of our faith in music! A city of many firsts, and the birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Battle Creek, Michigan, is a fitting location for celebrating 3ABN’s 25th Anniversary as the first Adventist Television network.

    The Battle Creek Tabernacle was home to Ellen White, the visionary whose writings provide much of the inspiration for the songs presented during this weekend. Much has been accomplished by God’s grace, but the best is yet to come, so celebrate with us as we look back, forward, and upward!

    Available Tracks:

    1 Remember the Sabbath
    2 Language of Canaan, The
    3 I Have Fixed My Mind
    4 Take Me To The Water
    5 In The Sanctuary
    6 Now Is The Day
    7 Written Down In Stone
    8 I Will Give You Rest
    9 Marvel Not At What I Say
    10 Beautiful Zion

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  • Great Controversy DVD Vol 3 (DVD)


    The closing events of earth’s history will be rapid ones! September 11, 2001, proved that everything can change in an instant. This eye-opening, feature-length film portays in stunning detail the final scenes of the great controversy-the controversy between good and evil. Prepare yourself for the end of the world as we know it!

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  • Great Controversy DVD Vol 2 (DVD)


    The conflict continues in this second volume of The Great Controversy DVD set unveiling the deceptions that have once again infiltrated the Christian church. From the purity of the Reformation watch as history repeats itself in our age through false philosophy and open apostasy. Follow the ongoing battle between the powers of good and evil as they contend in our present world and modern church. See the issues that confront us as you have never seen them before. Step into The Great Controversy and champion the cause of Christ as truth and error continue to clash in existing principalities and powers.This informative documentary unveils the fallacy behind today’s ecumenicism with eye-opening interviews and never-before seen footage. Volume 2 of The Great Controversy is a must for every Christian and every teacher of the Gospel of Christ.

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  • Experiencing The Joy 42 Bible Talks (DVD)


    tedMEDIA Productions presents a brilliant, fresh, cutting-edge video resource for small group discussions, youth programs and sermon starters. Experiencing the Joy ranges in style from commercials to soap operas, movie trailers to silent movies, TV style dramas to documentaries. Created to accompany the book, Experiencing the Joy can also stand alone, comprising of 42 topics illustrating Christian concepts and asking current questions.Total running time: Approx 160 minAverage clip run time: 3 min 30 sec

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