


Elizabeth Talbot

  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 3 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 3:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Compassion (Thomas)

    2. Extra-Ordinary Worth (James, Judas, Simon)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Perseverance (Judas Iscariot)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Encounter (Paul)

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  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 2 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 2:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Master (Andrew)

    2. Extra-Ordinary Insight (Nathanael)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Acceptance (Levi Matthew)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Calling (Philip)

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  • Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship 1 (DVD)


    The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship DVD series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. Discipleship is a reversal of values in life. The early followers of Jesus were ordinary people who accepted extraordinary gifts of grace in their lives. This study of Christ’s disciples and the reversal of values in their lives will inspire the listener to look at the extra-ordinary choices available in their own life.

    Topics on DVD 1:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Choice

    2. Extra-Ordinary Forgiveness (Peter)

    3. Extra-Ordinary Love (John)

    4. Extra-Ordinary Revelation (James)

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  • Yo Os Hare Descansar – (Spanish)


    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).

    When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”

    This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.

    When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!

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  • I Will Give You Rest


    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).

    When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”

    This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.

    When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!

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  • Jesus 101 Revelation The 5th Gospel DVD 2 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330045428Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2014Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Jesus 101 Revelation The 5th Gospel DVD 1 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330045411Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2014Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Amazing Grace Bible Study Course


    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!

    Imagine two loving parents holding their baby for the very first time. Now try and imagine what they would do if their little one was snatched away from them by a kidnapper, determined to destroy the child eternally.

    If we can understand how a parent would feel, perhaps we can begin to understand the desperation God felt to get His children back. The story of His plan of redemption, is narrated from Genesis to Revelation and it tells of His rescue plan carried out through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In fact, the Bible was written to announce this plan!

    The human race, buried under sin, with no possibility of eternal survival, could only be rescued with help from above. The Savior of the world came down to rescue His children, and the Scriptures are filled with joy and excitement, for salvation has been achieved for all who accept His plan. And He is coming back to take His children home! Yes! We have a Master Rescuer who gave us His gift of amazing grace!

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 3 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044155Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 2 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044148Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Jesus 101 Redemption History DVD 1 (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 643330044131Elizabeth TalbotBinding: Video DVDPublished: January 2013Publisher: Chapel Music

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  • Luke : Salvation For All


    The news is in! The best good news ever – JESUS died for ALL
    Luke uses the nouns “Savior” and “Salvation” more than any other Gospel writer. The human race was buried under sin, with no possibility of eternal survival. Help could only come from above. God designed a plan to rescue us and Jesus came to fulfill it! But who could be saved? The strong, the learned, the religious? Luke’s Gospel is filled with joy and excitement, because salvation has been secured for ALL!! Just like the shepherds on the hills of Bethlehem, you too can trade your fear for MEGA JOY!

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  • Surprised By Love


    When was the last time it happened to you? Perhaps your husband sent you flowers for no reason at all, your child turned around and blew you a kiss from the steps of the school bus, or your parents sent you on a cruise, just because.

    This is the story of our Creator-Redeemer and the greatest “love surprise” of all time. It surprised Adam and Eve. It surprised the deceitful serpent. It surprised the adulterous woman of John 8. It surprised the Pharisees. It surprised the disciples. It even surprised the heavenly angels. And it continues to surprise us today.

    “The deceiver thought that he had outsmarted God! He never expected that love would win. Perhaps, humans themselves thought that they were beyond redemption! But, ‘where sin increased, grace abounded all the more’ (Romans 5:20)

    Maybe you’ve heard the story before. Maybe this is your first time. Either way, when you behold the unexpected rescue of God’s children, you will be amazed at His love – at His passion for His children, and you will be surprised by love.

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  • John : God Became Flesh


    From creation to redemption, Jesus did it all! From the beginning – with God, yet separate – was the Word. John introduces Jesus immediately as God. He reveals a new reality, something deeper than we normally view with our physical eyes: the reality of the Divine as revealed in Jesus – God became flesh. John wants us to see beyond Jesus’ humanity because when we see Him in this light, we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He accomplished for us all.

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  • Jesus 101 Gospel Of Luke 2 (DVD)


    One of Jesus 101 DVD series by the Voice of Prophecy. This DVD of Elizabeth Talbot shares the story of Christ’s love and salvation in a way that appeals to all ages. She uses every day items to demonstrate the object lessons as she speaks. Each CD is sold separately and contains 4 26-minute sermons.

    Presentations Include:

    -Connecting the Dots
    -New Identity

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  • Jesus 101 Gospel Of John (DVD)


    One of Jesus 101 DVD series by the Voice of Prophecy. This DVD of Elizabeth Talbot shares the story of Christ’s love and salvation in a way that appeals to all ages. She uses every day items to demonstrate the object lessons as she speaks. Each CD is sold separately and contains 4 26-minute sermons.

    Presentations Include:

    -The Exchange
    -The Verdict
    -The Light
    -The Life

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  • Jesus 101 Gospel Of Matthew (DVD)


    One of Jesus 101 DVD series by the Voice of Prophecy. This DVD of Elizabeth Talbot shares the story of Christ’s love and salvation in a way that appeals to all ages. She uses every day items to demonstrate the object lessons as she speaks. Each CD is sold separately and contains 4 26-minute sermons.

    Presentations included:

    -The Davidic King
    -Jesus’ Great Grandmothers
    -Star Trek

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  • Matthew : Prophecy Fulfilled


    All the disciples knew their Bible, but they had not grasped that it was all about Jesus and God’s saving power revealed through Him-that all the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms reveal the good news of Jesus Christ. Once the disciples came to recognize this truth, Matthew takes it most seriously. He writes his Gospel with the premise that Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish Scriptures. The Law, the Prophets and the Psalms contain prophecies about Jesus-prophecies in the form of promises about what Jesus would accomplish through His perfect life, perfect death and perfect resurrection. Journey with the author through the book of Matthew, and you will discover that all the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms are all about Him! Quantity Pricing Available!

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  • Lucas Salvacion Para Todos – (Spanish)


    The news is in! The best good news ever JESUS died for ALL Luke uses the nouns “Savior” and “Salvation” more than any other Gospel writer. The human race was buried under sin, with no possibility of eternal survival. Help could only come from above. God designed a plan to rescue us and Jesus came to fulfill it! But who could be saved? The strong, the learned, the religious? Luke’s Gospel is filled with joy and excitement, because salvation has been secured for ALL!! Just like the shepherds on the hills of Bethlehem, you too can trade your fear for MEGA JOY!

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  • Jesus 101 Revelation The Fifth Gospel


    In the book of Revelation, the last chapter in the story of Redemption, God has drawn back the veil on a beautiful masterpiece–one that exceeds all our expectations and surpasses our wildest imaginings. It is the portrait of His immeasurable love, a revelation of Christ as the victorious Lamb. Some chapters of human history and our daily lives get pretty scary. Perhaps you feel you can’t take it anymore, you are too disheartened to continue. But don’t give up yet. Come to the last book of the Bible, the final chapter in the story of salvation, and discover for yourself that Jesus wins!

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