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  • God Was There


    Murder, suicide, drug raids,-through it all-God was there.And so was police chaplain, Martin Weber.

    These true stories of victims and criminals expose a side of life that most of us are fortunate to never experience. But the pain of crime and sin is very real and very personal. Go along with Chaplain Weber as he stands with others in their greatest times of need. You will meet:

    A murderer who confesses his crime-with the blood still on his hands.
    A man dying from Aids-who asked for anointing and wanted to go home to his Adventist family.
    A woman whose husband dropped dead-while they were arguing.
    A young man traumatized by seeing his family killed-in front of his own eyes.

    We are all sinners. We need a refuge, a place of grace to which we can escape. Christianity has much to say about the historic Jesus on the streets of long-ago Galilee. Adventists look forward to the Second Coming of Christ and the new heavens and the New Earth. But we need Jesus now!

    The Bible offers a much-overlooked solution. Between the first-century Savior and our everlasting Lord, Jesus is an always present help in times of trouble. “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14).

    Think you know someone beyond hope? Think again. In the midst of our pain, God is always there.

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  • Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids


    Our heavenly Father knows all about our family situations and wants us to partner with Him in shaping the lives of our children, not just for a long, meaningful life on earth, but also for eternity in the new earth. This beautiful book on praying for your children contains much encouragement, many prayer ideas, and journal pages to record your hopes and prayers for your children of any age. Tamyra Horst knows that true prayer is not idle repetition. Join in on her prayer journey as she addresses prayer ideas for the various stages of life encountered by children, prayer posture, fasting and prayer and waiting on God.

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  • Noah : The Chosen One


    “As were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man.” “Can someone help me out over here?” Noah shouted, gesturing to the crowd in the market place. “These boys are trying to rob me!” With a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach he began to realize that no one was going to come to his aid. No one cared. . . . This is ridiculous, Noah thought. Two striplings want to rob me in the street, and no one has the decency to come to my aid. What’s this world coming to? . . . Bradley Booth has crafted a remarkable story of Noah and the antediluvian world. The parallels between their excesses and violence and those of our own time are startling. Every reader of this book will be struck by the way we of the twenty-first century also rationalize our own behavior, and how often we find it more convenient to “go with the crowd.”

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  • Miracle Of Conversion


    Once again, Morris Venden has compiled an anthology of invaluable information-this time on the subject of conversion-to help us in our Christian walk. According to Venden, conversion is the most neglected, and most important, topic in the Christian church.

    This book starts with the necessity of conversion and covers the work of the Holy Spirit, the born again experience, the effect of sin, the steps to conversion, the importance of beholding Jesus, and much more.

    Included in the book are many quotes from Ellen G. White on conversion, along with the ever-popular illustrations and parables that Venden is famous for.

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  • Serious About Love


    Dr. Kay Kuzma answers the question “Is there really a way to know if someone is right for you?” Whether you’re dating someone or just looking for the “right one,” this book will help you understand the serious side of love and offers plenty of down-to-earth guidance for dating and love.

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  • Day The School Blew Up


    A funny, engaging story that portrays spiritual growth in an attractive and compelling way that kids 10-14 will respond to. Peter Paul discovers a lot about himself, learns about being responsible, and that you shouldn’t judge others. A modern-day adventure story that shows God knows and cares more than anyone else about Peter Paul Pappenfuss.

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  • Escape From Egypt


    The guards were shouting excitedly and suddenly the whole camp was in an uproar. It was like the world was coming to an end, and everybody knew it!

    Children began running around in circles screaming. Men and boys rushed here and there with their ox goads and cutlasses, bumping into one another, knocking each other over in the sand. Oxen, goats, and donkeys reacted to the alarm and began to rush in every direction.

    Meshach looked on in fear, not knowing what to expect next, but he needn’t have worried. Somewhere in the confusion and noise of the moment a voice of strength called out to the people. It was the voice of Moses.

    “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High can abide safely in the shadow of the Great I Am!” Moses’ voice boomed out. “Don’t worry, my people! Jehovah is our refuge and fortress. In Him we must trust!”

    Do you trust God even in bad times? Let this story of God’s power and victory help you to always put your trust in Him.

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  • Secret Of The Desert Lights


    Lizards and Lights and Laws, Oh My! This fun true-adventure story for children ages 9-12 combines a riveting mystery with learning the difference between principles and rules. The second book in a series of stories that teach about various aspects of Christian life and shows the importance of keeping the civil laws, as well as God’s law, the Ten Commandments.

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  • David Asks Why


    Young children want to know about everything-cell phones, frogs, rockets-you name it. But the most important thing they need to know about is the character of God. God’s character and person can be summed up in many ways, but the greatest and best is simple enough for a young child to understand-God is love.

    David Asks Why unites a child’s curiosity with a creative adaptation and age-appropriate paraphrase of Ellen White’s Steps to Christ. In the questions David asks and in the answers he discovers, you will find the help you need to guide your children (or grandchildren) in growing in their love and knowledge of God. This book is also an excellent resource for Sabbath School leaders and church school teachers.

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  • Alone With God


    Time spent alone with God-this has always been the secret of spiritual power. Powerful men and women of God spent time alone with Him. And those who would have spiritual power today must also spend time alone with God on a daily basis.
    Just think what we might learn if we spent only a half hour a day with God in prayer, in study, in letting Him speak to our hearts! Alone With God, by Matilda Erickson Andross, is a classic on the devotional life that has enriched readers since its first publication in 1917.

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  • How To Grow An Adventist Church


    The Adventist Church faces its greatest-ever opportunity to grow! In this highly motivating book, author Russell Burrill sets forth an urgent challenge to Adventist churches to reach the legions of the unchurched. Along with this call the book outlines simple principles for making it happen.

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  • Faith And The Finance Leaders Guide


    SKU (ISBN): 9780982310809Binding: Spiral BoundPublished: January 2009Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Clear Word Pocket Edition


    The pocket edition of this popular devotional paraphrase is available in hardback, paperback, black bonded leather, or burgundy bonded leather (leather versions are boxed). This small edition makes a great gift idea for students or for those who travel-it’s the perfect size to tuck in a backpack, suitcase, purse, or briefcase. Easy-to-read two-column format.

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  • Finding The Father


    One Lie Breeds Another

    That first lie Satan told in Eden–the one that said God was actually a selfish liar–has spawned a multitude of untruths about who God is and what His feelings toward us really are. The human perception of God has been askew ever since, and we’ve struggled to relate to this God we don’t really (want to) know.

    Naturally, since our view of God is distorted, our attitudes and behavior are rebellious–perceptions change our thoughts, thoughts influence our feelings, and feelings determine attitudes and behavior. Herb Montgomery goes straight to the root of the problem and sweeps aside the misperceptions of God and His character that cause us to spurn the only one who truly loves us.

    Some of Christianity’s long-held, though biblically unfounded, views are confronted–God’s true attitude toward pain and suffering, where guilt comes from, and what His forgiveness accomplishes. And the question that plagues every human heart is irrevocably resolved: If God really loves us, why does He allow horrible things to happen?

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  • Skyscrapers : 365 Stories That Build You Up


    You wouldn’t try to swim in a cornfield, would you? eat soup with a butter knife? study spelling words to get ready for a math test?

    Of course not!

    Would it make any more sense to ignore Jesus if you want to spend eternity with Him?


    Well, then, go ahead and spend some time with Jesus every day! Eric B. Hare, legendary storyteller and missionary, crammed this devotional full of stories that will help you get to know Jesus-and have a happier life. You’ll get to read through the best story of all (just a little at a time), and you’ll even discover what Nehemiah, Christopher Columbus, and some Brazilian fishermen had in common (honest, it’s in here!).

    So get started right away-it only makes sense!

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  • Women In The Bible And Me


    Women are important to God. As one studies the Scriptures, it is amazing to discover how many stories of important women God has included in His book. God makes it clear that women are important to Him.

    It is good to know that other women-the women of the Bible-have walked before us. How wonderful to know these women have left us sure guidelines, practical instruction, wise principles, comfort, and hope. The women featured in these Bible studies will help you face your trials, knowing you are not alone.

    Studying the lives of these noteworthy women, you will learn that God has called women to play a significant role in the home, in the church, and in the community. You will understand that each woman today is invited to fulfill God’s call to be a blessing-in the home, in the church, and in the community. You will learn from their mistakes, their successes, and their challenges. You will discover that God’s blessings are heaped upon the woman who trusts in the Lord.

    Through the stories of these women of the Bible, God has a message for a woman like you. We pray that this study will help you to know the great value He places on you. May you trust His calling and follow in faith.

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  • Exploring The Letters Of John And Jude


    The letters of John and Jude are a wake-up call. False teachers had infiltrated the church and introduced secular reasoning in place of apostolic teachings. John and Jude wrote to their congregations not only to warn the faithful against the impostors, but to emphasize true spirituality in the face of error and apostasy.

    It’s no surprise, then, that these four letters are of the utmost relevance to Christians today. John’s first and second letters deal with issues central to a genuine Christian faith and life, while the third provides a snapshot of the dynamics of at least one congregation in the A.D. 90s. Jude confronts many of the same issues in his letter, including the immorality that results from a denial of Christ.

    This user-friendly devotional commentary divides the entire text of these four letters into bite-sized passages using a new translation by the author. Each passage is followed by the exegetical meaning as well as the practical application for the lives of twenty-first-century believers. Small study groups and individuals alike will benefit from this format and better understand God’s timely and very personal message.

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  • Majesty : Experiencing Authentic Worship


    Worship is an encounter with God-a life-changing experience.

    How long ago was your last life-changing experience? This morning? Last week? Can’t remember?

    In these pages are scriptural principles to guide you into a genuine worship experience. Of course you know whom to worship, but what about why, how, and when? And what does the Bible have to say about the significance of worship in a Christian life? Discover the simple yet profound answers that will transform your soul and leave you hungry for God’s presence.

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  • Brushed Back : The Trevor Bullock Story


    Cocky and good-looking, Trevor Bullock was the man. He was a star pitcher, the life of the party, and the girls loved him. Drugs and alcohol were easy to come by in high school, even though his dad was the narcotics captain at the local police department. But that didn’t faze Trevor-smooth talking was yet another one of his golden talents. Baseball was his life, and he figured he deserved all the perks that came with it.

    But God had something else in mind for His wayward child-it just took a while to get his attention.

    Over the next few years Trevor went to college, played ball, went to church sometimes, partied, was baptized, got thrown in jail, signed with the Philadelphia Phillies organization, and met a girl. The girl. And for some reason, Trevor’s relationship with Carissa mirrored his off-and-on relationship with God.

    But God was still calling the game-He just had to convince Trevor to quit shaking Him off.

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  • Knowing Jesus Is Everything


    If you were drowning and someone tossed you a life preserver, would you refuse it and try to swim to safety on your own? Or would you grab it immediately and cling to it for dear life? The answer is obvious-you’d snatch up the life preserver in a heartbeat!

    But what if your eternal life was at stake? Would you insist on trying to save yourself? Or would you let God rescue you?

    If you’ve ever thought that the Christian life is just too difficult-or even impossible-take a deep breath, find a comfortable chair, and face reality. It is too difficult-if you don’t know Jesus personally. No matter what you do (or don’t do), you don’t stand a chance without Him.

    In these pages are hope and guidance for pursuing a genuine friendship with Jesus. Because, you see, knowing Jesus is everything-it is life.

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