



  • Miss Brendas Bedtime Stories Volume 2


    Miss Brenda’s Bedtime Stories, volume 2, is a collection of more than twenty-five delightful stories you will never forget. You are sure to enjoy “A Joke on Mama,” “Runaway Jumper,” and “Bad, Bad Blackie” while learning about important things like forgiveness, answered prayer, and the value of honesty and obedience. Some stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, others will have you laughing, while still others are sure to warm your heart. These true stories, written especially for Miss Brenda by beloved and best-selling authors (and some written by Miss Brenda herself!) are sure to be loved by children and treasured by parents and grandparents. Perfect for reading together before bedtime – or anytime – these character-building stories are sure to draw your family closer to Jesus.

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  • Miss Brendas Bedtime Stories Volume 1


    Unforgettable stories from 3ABN favorite, Miss Brenda.

    Miss Brenda’s Bedtime Stories is a five-volume collection of twenty-five delightful stories per volume – stories that you will never forget. You will encounter “Tackle Tag Disaster,” “Snakes Alive” and “Trapped in Wild Cat Cave” while learning about important things like forgiveness, answered prayer, and the value of honesty and obedience. Some stories will take you halfway around the world and others will seem as if they could have happened in your own back yard. Carefully collected by Miss Brenda, these true stories are sure to be loved by children and treasured by parents and grandparents. Perfect for reading together before bedtime – or anytime! – these will warm your heart and draw you closer to Jesus.

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  • Berenstain Bears Kitten Rescue Level 1


    In The Berenstain Bears Good Deed Scouts Kitten Rescue, the Scouts spot a little kitten stranded in a tree. Their rescue of the kitten becomes a community effort and in the end Muffy and her owner are reunited!

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  • Berenstain Bears Show Gods Love


    Titles Include:
    The Berenstain Bears And The Gift Of Courage
    The Berenstain Bears: Faithful Friends
    The Berenstain Bears And A Job Well Done
    The Berenstain Bears Play A Good Game
    The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors

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    This five-book collection of highly popular Berenstain Bears stories will provide children with an ideal gift they will enjoy all year long. Each of the stories’ values, morals, and life lessons will be invaluable for children throughout every stage of their lives.

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  • Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts


    Brother has always loved model airplanes. When he has the chance to share his hobby, he makes a young cub very happy. Will Brother’s kindness be returned?

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  • 100 Creative Ways To Learn Memory Verses


    Karen Holford, author of 100 Creative Prayer Ideas for Kids, draws from years of experience and oodles of ingenuity to help kids delight in God’s Word. Multisensory activities such as Alphabetti Verse, Secret Codes, Stepping Stone, Recycled Tunes, and Edible Verses make spiritual concepts real and exciting to kids of all ages.

    Take your pick–the ideas crammed into this book will suit a variety of interests, skills, learning styles, group sizes, and available materials. Best of all, kids come away from each activity with God’s message to them embedded firmly in their hearts and minds!

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  • New Testament Stories


    This nine book collection retells stories from the New Testament for young children. Each sturdy little book has simple text and bright illustrations. Plus children can turn all the books over to make a fun picture puzzle.

    Stories include: The Nativity, In the Temple, The Storm, Good News, Loaves and Fishes, Little Children, the Kind Man, The Royal Welcome, Jesus Lives

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  • Gods 10 Promises


    Our portrayal of the Ten Commandments can often seem negative to a kid.
    In God’s Ten Promises you will find a refreshingly different approach to learning about this important topic. Join twins Cameron and Kaitlynn as they discover something exciting – the commandments are not a list of do’s and don’ts. Rather, they are promises. In them, God I saying, “If you let Me, I’ll make you into someone who wouldn’t even think of stealing.”
    The Teaching Tips at the end of each chapter will assist teachers, parents, or caregivers to help children recognize that God is love and that His law shows how much He loves us and always wants the best for us. Filled with practical applications, God’s Ten Promises shows exactly what the Ten Commandments are all about.

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  • Sweeeet : Gods Awesome Plan For You


    He’s richer than Bill Gates . . . and a gazillion times smarter. He’s more powerful than the president of the United States-and cares about you way more. He’s invented more things than Thomas Edison, keeps track of billions of people without a computer, and wants to be friends with YOU! Yeah, little ole you! Who wouldn’t want to hang out with someone like that?

    Of course, God is this awesome individual we’re talking about, and wow, He has big plans for you! Check out Jeremiah 29:11-He wants to help you succeed in life and to give you an incredible future. But how are you going figure out what those plans are since He’s not in the habit of e-mailing or texting His thoughts on the matter?

    You guessed it-you’ve gotta read His Word! This devotional goes through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and breaks it down for you. Just keep your eyes, ears, and heart open, and God will let you know . . . just as He did for Moses, Abraham, Peter, Paul, and all the rest!

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  • Jesus Saves The World Jesus Salva Al Mundo My First I Can Read


    Now in this English/Spanish bilingual edition! Jesus teaches many people. He travels to many places. One day, Jesus is in danger. Will he follow God’s plan?

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  • Jesus And His Friends Jesus Y Sus Amigos My First I Can Read


    Now in this English/Spanish bilingual edition! Jesus loves many people. He has lots of friends who love him, too. Jesus and his friends help people. They share their food. Best of all, Jesus and his friends tell people about God.

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  • Berenstain Bears Faithful Friends


    When Sister Bear makes a new friend, she finds it can cause tension with her old ones. She learns to branch out and make new friends while reconnecting with and more fully appreciating those she already has.

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  • Amelia : The Flying Squirrel


    Once again, Joe Wheeler has compiled a fascinating collection that’s sure to become a classic.

    In his sixth book of The Good Lord Made Them All series, Joe L. Wheeler has turned his attention to stories of God’s smallest animals-doodlebugs, a pet mouse named Guinevere, a chipmunk named Chatter, a story of a dragonfly, another about a skylark, and several more remarkable adventures of God’s smallest creatures.

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  • Esther : A Star Is Born


    Chosen by the king, and chosen by God-where would her loyalties lie?
    Hadassah was a show-stopping beauty. When she walked by eyes and whispers followed her, though she didn’t seem to notice. But her physical appearance was nothing compared to the beauty evident in her character-she was kind, intelligent, humble, and passionate in her devotion to her people and the one true God. An inspiring and intriguing story of the young girl God had chosen to save her people from certain destruction-the girl who would be Esther, Queen of Persia.

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  • Best Ever Mission Stories 2


    In book two of this series you will find examples of many ordinary young people who dare to do extraordinary things for God and others. Adventist children from all over the world have helped others learn about Jesus. Join Harmony, Jeremy, Jenisah, and 23 others, as they share the love of Christ in their families, their neighborhoods, and around the world.

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  • Escape From Egypt


    The guards were shouting excitedly and suddenly the whole camp was in an uproar. It was like the world was coming to an end, and everybody knew it!

    Children began running around in circles screaming. Men and boys rushed here and there with their ox goads and cutlasses, bumping into one another, knocking each other over in the sand. Oxen, goats, and donkeys reacted to the alarm and began to rush in every direction.

    Meshach looked on in fear, not knowing what to expect next, but he needn’t have worried. Somewhere in the confusion and noise of the moment a voice of strength called out to the people. It was the voice of Moses.

    “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High can abide safely in the shadow of the Great I Am!” Moses’ voice boomed out. “Don’t worry, my people! Jehovah is our refuge and fortress. In Him we must trust!”

    Do you trust God even in bad times? Let this story of God’s power and victory help you to always put your trust in Him.

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  • David Asks Why


    Young children want to know about everything-cell phones, frogs, rockets-you name it. But the most important thing they need to know about is the character of God. God’s character and person can be summed up in many ways, but the greatest and best is simple enough for a young child to understand-God is love.

    David Asks Why unites a child’s curiosity with a creative adaptation and age-appropriate paraphrase of Ellen White’s Steps to Christ. In the questions David asks and in the answers he discovers, you will find the help you need to guide your children (or grandchildren) in growing in their love and knowledge of God. This book is also an excellent resource for Sabbath School leaders and church school teachers.

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  • Skyscrapers : 365 Stories That Build You Up


    You wouldn’t try to swim in a cornfield, would you? eat soup with a butter knife? study spelling words to get ready for a math test?

    Of course not!

    Would it make any more sense to ignore Jesus if you want to spend eternity with Him?


    Well, then, go ahead and spend some time with Jesus every day! Eric B. Hare, legendary storyteller and missionary, crammed this devotional full of stories that will help you get to know Jesus-and have a happier life. You’ll get to read through the best story of all (just a little at a time), and you’ll even discover what Nehemiah, Christopher Columbus, and some Brazilian fishermen had in common (honest, it’s in here!).

    So get started right away-it only makes sense!

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  • Goodnight Warrior


    Following the success of the God’s Mighty WarriorTM Devotional Bible by Sheila Walsh, now comes the perfect Bedtime Bible storybook for warriors everywhere! 84 favorite stories from the International Children’s Bible are paired with devotions that are inspirational, positive and help young warriors see God’s love for them. Fun primary colored pages will delight them as they lay down for night time devotions and prayers. Each story and devotion closes with a special prayer, promise, or praise to help connect his warrior’s heart and spirit to family, friends, and most of all his heavenly Father!

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  • Berenstain Bears God Loves You


    The Berenstain Bear series helps children learn how God wants them to live every day. When the Bear family practices going to church, praying, and being kind, plus remembering how much God loves them, their lives are much more joyful.

    In God Loves You! Brother and Sister Bear discover that God loves them, not because they’re successful, but because he made them. This book helps children appreciate the many ways God shows his love to them.

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